February Newsletter

February was a great month in the Plums Class!! We completed our Friendship Theme and started our Community Helpers Theme. 

We focused on working together during our Friendship Unit. We painted together as a class and in pairs. We made a friendship chain. We discussed what makes you a good friend. The students had the best answers. Here are some examples..."being kind," "not hurting one another," "saying I love you," "sharing," "listening" and "playing together." We discussed what being kind meant and ways we can be kind to one another. We tied our Friendship Unit into Valentines Day. The kids had so much fun passing out Valentines and decorating Valentines cookies. 

We've continued to focus on letter identification, letter sound identification, capital/lowercase letter matching and answering wh- questions after a story is read during literacy group. 

We've practiced counting skills, identifying numbers, measuring objects, identifying more/less and patterns during math group. 

We began our Community Helpers Theme in mid February. This is always a student favorite. We've learned about police, firefighters, vets, and dentists so far. We will continue this theme until Spring Break. 

Dates to Remember:

3/24- Early Release Day

3/31- Teacher Workday

4/3-4/7- Spring Break


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